Inner Healing & Personal Growth Coach
Inner Healing & Personal Growth Coach

Journey to the Destination of your Dreams

Join me on a journey of exploration and discovery as we travel toward the destination of your dreams. As you go deeper into this experience, you will activate your right brain, which is associated with creativity, intuition, and imagination. In this heightened sensory space, you can explore the depths of your subconscious and all the wonder that awaits you there.

This meditation was part of my Sunday Sunrise Salutations Collection. You can get these on your podcast app if you would like to sign up here. They are also available as a play list on YouTube.

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Grateful for collaborating with great people.

free Live workshop

Breathe Away Anxiety

How Conscious Breathing Tames Anxiety's Grip

Nov 2, 7 pm Eastern

with Sarah Brassard and Jen Broyles