Recently were in Brugge, Belgium, a magical place filled with history, canals, and wonderful light. We’d been in Europe for about nine days, and we’re reflecting on how travel brings many opportunities for learning and becoming more courageous. At the start of the trip we were at the airport in Boston and found out that only one of us had been rebooked after a flight cancellation to London the previous day. We were told that the only way they could get us to London around the same time so we could catch our connecting flight to Amsterdam was to fly separately at different times. We all know the feelings this ignites. But something happened at that moment (after all other possibilities were exhausted). I said, let’s do it! As I walked away from David and through security, I had all the feelings (disappointment, loss, anxiety, and a bit of fear). I nodded to those feelings and carried on, choosing faith over fear and more than anything feeling strong, so fucking strong! I’m learning to change burdensome, old baggage mindsets in the moment. My mentor, Steven, says that is where all the magic lies; A trigger is ignited when we arrive in circumstances that aren’t what we planned. And in that moment you switch out of it and do something different. Something more supportive and innovative than the old behavior could ever support. Have you experienced this? You don’t have to travel to do it, although when you are away from all your creature comforts, things are ignited far more quickly. Give it a try. The next time you are faced with unexpected circumstances or challenges, try to choose faith over fear, strength over doubt, and innovation over old behaviors. Experience the opportunity for growth and learning that comes with stepping outside of your comfort zone. Whether you are traveling or simply navigating the ups and downs of daily life, challenge yourself to break free from old mindsets and embrace the magic that comes from choosing courage. So, go out there and seize the moment with a new perspective and a sense of boldness. Safe travels! You got this! |
Sarah Brassard
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